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B035 愛刀拝見 Reader's Sword



オーナーはオーストリアに住む15才のF 君でした(正直驚きました)。

One reader send me his sword picture.

It's no signed sword,but regarded that Dewa-no-Daijyou-Fujiwara-no-Kunimichi
and Echizenn-no-Daijyou-Fujiwara-no-Kunitsugu made it.

It's "Gassaku-tou" .
"Gassaku" means two sword smiths make one sword in cooperation.

It has beatiful and strong style and ardent Hamonn(temper pattern).
Shirasaya is old. So its color change to amber color.
It make a favorable impression on me.

The owner is 15 years old young guy who live in Austria. Very young!
It's amazing for me and Japanese.

He bought it from Aoi Bijyutsu.

Thank you for your reading.

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