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072 魚,Fish

御先祖様の藤原鎌足卿から頂いているんですね。 兼定、兼元(孫六)が有名です。

7人の棟梁が統制する七頭制という組合制度を作り高度に組織化 されていたといわれます。
備前は天災もあり戦国時代末期からは衰退していったのですが美濃鍛冶は逆に 全国に広がっていきます。


「魚定(ウオサダ)ってどこの刀工?」 なんて聞かないようにね。

"Mino" is the most biggest minitions factory.
Mino J.S. master's name has the word of "Kane".
It is from old famous J.politician"Fujiwara-no-Kamatari"
Mino J.S.master believe they are his descendants.

"Kanesada" and "Kanemoto(Magoroku)" is the famous Mino J.S. master. In Mino factory,
there are 7 leaders who elected by members. Mino factory was sistematicaly factory.

"Bizenn" declined from the end of "Senngoku-jidai".
"Mino" is prosper countrywide. Mino J.S.masters migrated to the whole country.

Their neme's word "Kane" is strange shape.It look like the word "Fish(=Uo)". Be careful don't ask "What province of "Uosada" ?"

Thank you for your reading

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